
segunda-feira, abril 23, 2007

17 de Abril, 60 anos de Magnum

Deixei passar o dia, faz parte do meu embirrante feio para esquecer datas festivas. A Magnum fez 60 anos, um número notável para uma cooperativa de fotógrafos, de loucos, que um dia depois da guerra decidiram juntar-se para formarem uma cooperativa.
Capa conhecera Rodgers na frente de batalha e decidiram juntar os trapinhos com Cartier-Bresson e David Seymour ( Chim) para poderem sobreviver ao mercado desgastado. Queriam reinventar o fotojornalismo, estabelecer regras éticas, funcionais. Iam ser os senhores dos seus trabalhos, reafirmarem-se como autores-fotógrafos.

O que levou à criação de Magnum continua em discussão no mundo da imprensa. o pqpel dos fotógrafos, a importância testemunhal da fotografia, a visão pessoal e ética, o jornalismo de causas, por aí fora.
A Magnum não era uma agência de fotografia, era uma ordem religiosa, com etapas dificeis para se ser admitido, um percurso até ao calvário, com sofrimento, rigor, dor e paixão. Um fotojornalismo de causas, forte, integro, de carácter.

A postura de um fotógrafo da Magnum era, é, de um profissionalismo à prova de bala. Não basta ser-se fotógrafo, é fundamental ser-se um olhar, um outro olhar sobre a vida e a sociedade.

On this day in 1947, Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David "Chim" Seymour founded the legendary photo agency Magnum Photos.

Magnum Photos is a photographic co-operative owned by it's members. To date the agency has 60 members worldwide and within those last 60 years Magnum photographers have covered countless events, interpreted the world and it's people and told many important stories through photography. Magnum also managed to stay an independend co-operative despite the efforts of others to bring Magnum under their control.

Henri Cartier-Bresson once said "Magnum is a community of thought, a shared human quality, a curiosity about what is going on in the world, a respect for what is going on and a desire to transcribe it visually."

I was blessed and honored to contribute a tiny little bit to Magnums history by my work in various fields at the Magnum New York office. I did not only have the chance to meet great people, learn about the industry and Magnum but I also had the chance to look behind the curtains, to see that not everything and everybody is always perfect. And this is what makes Magnum even more likeable. It's a human organization.

The Magnum Festival: Celebrating the Art of Documentary And to celebrate it's birthday Magnum will launch The Magnum Festival: Celebrating the Art of Documentary. "The Magnum Festival will take place in New York City throughout the month of June with dozens of activities, exhibitions, public and private events all embracing the documentation of life spanning the globe. Through a series of city wide events the Magnum Festival will highlight photography, film and journalism."

"Documentary, in its many forms, creates understanding, appreciation and in many cases mobilize change,” said Magnum’s Managing Director, Mark Lubell. "Whether through pictures, moving images or the written word, documenting the life around us is vital to the preservation of our stories for generations to come.”

For more details and scheduled events visit the Magnum Festival website.

Happy Birthday again and may Magnum be able to fulfill the high expectations in the next 60 years to come.

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